Mariposa Ranch

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Outfitted South Texas Deer Hunting Tips for Success

Whether you are hunting on leased property, a ranch, or public land, South Texas whitetail hunting can be notoriously difficult. Here are 4 tips that will help increase your chances of the South Texas Whitetail buck of your dreams this upcoming year.

Outfitted South Texas Deer Hunting Tips

Scent Control

Clean unscented clothes are a must on an outfitted south texas deer hunt. It doesn’t matter what style of hunt you are on since whitetail have incredible smelling ability. Therefore, to combat this pack a separate box of clothes that you don’t wear inside. Make sure to put them on instead of your street clothes which can turn away deer before you even see them.

Watch The Weather

Regardless of if you are on an outfitted spot and stalk hunt, in a treestand, or in a ground blind, weather is the most important tip on this list. A buck will not come in if you are downwind of them. Therefore, work with your outfitter to make sure they are placing you downwind of the buck. To monitor the wind, consider an app like onX that allows you to put wind notifications on a pin on the map. Second, see if you can work with your outfitter for their recommendation on the best dates to show up in the fall. Usually this during rut with a cold front moving in.

The Stand Drop

Most outfitted hunts will drive you to and from your blind/stand in the mornings + evenings. Deer in south texas will congregate around the feeders even if you can’t see them. If you are noisy when approaching the stand, you will inadvertently be affecting your hunt. When you are dropped off, make sure the guide turns off the lights on the vehicle. Don’t slam the truck door and be quiet when putting together your gear and slip into the blind.

Have Faith in Your Guide

This tip applies to every type of outfitting, not just outfitted south texas deer hunting. Your guides will know much more about the deer movement, habitat, stands, and behavior that you will. They want you to have success so make sure to trust them in their recommendations on which stand or pasture to hunt.

Looking to Book an Outfitted South Texas Whitetail Hunt?

The Mariposa Ranch bears some of the best whitetail habitat in the country. With a whitetail population of over 3,500 on the ranch, the average B&C score is 135 to 140 and the average age is 6.5 to 7 years old. At the Mariposa Ranch, the most difficult aspect of hunting is deciding which buck to shoot!

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